Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Julian Konzern
Julian Konzern
Race Human
Gender Male
Professional Status
Affiliation Team Excalibur
Occupation Blader
Personal Status
Beys/Special Moves
First Appearance
Manga Debut [[]]
Anime Debut Metal Masters Episode 12 ()
"According to legend, the hero Destroyer went on a journey to defeat a fearsome monster, Medusa the monster with snakes for hair who turned anyone to stone, after a heated battle the victor Destroyer defeated Medusa and used her eyes to defeat his enemies by turning them into stone."
— Julian talking about the history behind Destroyer.

Julian Konzern known as Julius Caesar (ジュリアス・シーザー, Juriasu Shīzā) in Japan, is a recurring character in the Metal Saga, first appearing in Beyblade: Metal Masters.

Julian is the leader of Team Excalibur, a team that represented Europe during the World Beyblade Championships. He represents Italy on the European team and claims to have the strongest dual-rotating bey in Beyblade: Metal Masters, Gravity Destroyer AD145 WD.

Physical Appearance[]

Julian is a tall, Italian, teenage boy with royal blue eyes and blonde hair that reaches down to his shoulders. Julian has pale skin because of his Italian heritage and a slim physique. Julian is always shown in his trademark, red dress clothing covering his unbuttoned blue/purple button up and gold necklace.


Julian is a very wealthy and powerful Blader, causing him to feel that everything good in life comes naturally to him. Despite this, Julian knows how to work for what he wants, and this is the reason why he is an exceptional Blader. Julian is still a very vain and arrogant person believing that he is perfection and because of this he can succumb to distress when his beliefs are not met, shown when he is defeated by Damian causing his mental breakdown. After he was stripped of his wealth by Dr. Ziggurat, he was quick to blame Beyblade for his distress but was convinced by Dashan, Sophie and Wales to think otherwise.

Beyblade Metal Masters[]

Background History[]

When he grew up, whenever he won trophies at diverse competitions and looked up to his father for his words of encouragement, he always indifferently said that Julian might have won some small competitions but he was not the number one yet, and therefore he was not worth his time.

The Big Bang Emperor[]

Julian first appears getting out of his private limousine as he is spotted by Gingka Hagane and Masamune Kadoya. During the first round of Big Bang Bladers the European team; Team Excalibur was matched up against Team Desert Blaze of the Middle East. The matches are well anticipated until Julian arrives alone, surprising everyone.

Julian agrees that if he loses even once then Team Desert Blaze will take the win. He starts off battling Gasur and easily beats him using the Eyes of Medusa. He then battles Karte and Zidane at the same time. Despite the two versus one match up he easily takes care of the two. During the battles Julian tells the story of Destroyer (Perseus) and expresses his love for music and the arts but draws each battle to a swift end with his Destroyer's awesome powers including the power to rotate both right and left. As Gingka looks on Julian leaves claiming victory for his team single-handedly.

The Festival of Warriors takes place in Greece where Team Gan Gan Galaxy crashes in anticipation of meeting Julian himself. Their wish is met as Gingka, Masamune and Yu are challenged by Julian's team mates causing him to want in as well. Julian did not participate much in the battle as he allowed his "Twin Jewels" Sophie and Wales to protect him from any attacks.

When Gingka and Masamune finally break through his Twin Jewels defense Julian is able to easily cut them down with his power, defeating them quickly.

During the second round of the Tournament Julian is seen on TV when he defeats a Beyblader to maintain Excalibur's spot in the next round. The next round he is met by the Wild Card Team Wang Hu Zhong. Julian stands by and watches as his team leads Excalibur to victory by defeating Wang Hu Zhong two rounds in a row without even giving Julian or Dashan a chance to battle.

Once Gan Gan Galaxy arrives in Italy for their match with Excalibur Julian is met by Tsubasa at night during one of Julian's walks with his horse. He is challenged by Tsubasa and they only battle for a short time as Tsubasa is only interested in Julian's Destroyer's Left/Reverse Rotation. As they prepare to continue their battle Julian's Twin Jewels battle Tsubasa until Ryuga arrives. Ryuga threatens Julian about having the only Left Rotation bey and that Destroyer is nothing but a toy. Julian does not take it lightly as Ryuga and Tsubasa leave.

The Fall Of The Emperor[]

Team Excalibur meets Team GanGan Galaxy in the A-Block finals. Team Excalibur starts with Klaus who defeats Masamune in the first match. In the second match Sophie and Wales are defeated by Tsubasa and Yu.

The final match is decided to be Julian vs Gingka who currently isn't present. Gingka finally arrives from his battle against Ryuga and the two begin their battle. Julian taunts Gingka saying he cant beat him because the konzerns never lose. Julian is surprised by Gingka's strength who has just come from a battle with Ryuga, so because Julian chose left rotation Gingka knew how to correctly battle him.

Julian continuously reiterates the fact that Victory is like breathing to him and that he cannot be defeated and that his Destroyer is the strongest Dual-Rotating Beyblade. After a vigorous back and forth Beyblade battle Julian gains the upper hand by opening the "eyes of Medusa" and turning Pegasus to stone. But Gingka refuses to give up and uses his bey's speed to cancel the eyes of Medusa and attack Gravity Destroyer with his special move the Star Booster Attack which Julian deflects with his own special move Black Excalibur.

Gingka is surprise but realizes if he combines his bey's speed and "Pegasus' wings" he can fly higher and create a new special move. When the Black Excalibur falls to Pegasus' new found special move Stardust Driver Julian is defeated. GanGan Galaxy now moves on to the next match against Team Garcias while Excalibur only has one more loss that they can afford.

Team Excalibur's turn in the Semi Final match comes up when they face Team Starbreaker for a shot in the finals. Starbreaker arrives with only two members of their team. The two members present are Damian Hart and Jack. When Julian sees this he takes this as an insult and sends out Klaus who is crushingly defeated by Jack and his bey Evil Befall UW145 EWD and put into a coma.

Team Excalibur is down one and could lose if Julian doesn't step up. Julian decides to battle Damian Hart who reveals his knowledge about Destroyer's dual rotation and requests a best of 3 duel with Julian which would allow him to use both rotations. Julian accepts and battles Julian with Destroyer's new powers. Destroyer's high advanced speed is no match for Damian's Hades Kerbecs BD145 DS which forces Julian to open a stronger Eyes of Medusa but has no effect on Kerbecs. Julian then unleashes his new special move; Gravity Brave! Even so Julian is defeated by Hades Kerbecs's overwhelming strength in the first round.

Julian then uses left rotation in the second match and reveals even more powers including a new version of Gravity Brave and Black Excalibur, but after the attack fails Julian is pushed into a corner by Kerbecs. Kerbecs simply plays with Destroyer, crushing all of Julian's hopes of winning and becoming number 1 one slam at a time.

As Damian prepares to deliver a devastating blow to Julian, he cowards and his physiques Sophie and Wales defend him. Because of their uninvited entry, the American DJ says that Team Excalibur forfeits the match; however, the Cetus team state that the only thing that matters at the moment is protecting Julian and his honor.

As the hopes of him reclaiming his glory come to light, Julian and his Twin Jewels activate their special moves; Blue Cetus's Grand Fleet, White Cetus's Grand Victoire and Destroyer's Black Excalibur. Damian says that he is impressed, but then unleashes Kerbecs's special move, Hades Gate, which nullifies all of Team Excalibur's special moves. After Julian and his teammates are defeated Damian forces Julian to admit he's weak, utterly crushing him emotionally.

During the championship celebration, Julian accompanies Dr. Ziggurat and the others allied with Hades to it, where they announce the Spiral Force much to the outrage of Ryo Hagane and Hikaru Hasama. The Spiral Force is a weapon that uses a Beyblade called Twisted Tempo to power it as the ultimate, unlimited energy source. It is powered by an arranged Toby renamed Faust, and Ziggurat plans to sell it by transferring it across the world with the floating empire, Hades City. When Gingka and his friends plan to stop the Weapon and free Toby a giant brawl breaks out between the two sides.

Julian tags with Argo Garcia in taking on Masamune and Dashan, Argo overpowers the two and leads them into Julians hands where he plans to deliver the final blow until Nile interrupts by using Mistic Zone causing them to eventually retreat. Julian joins Ziggurat and the rest of Hades at the Launch of Hades City and is assigned to guard the main tower from any intruders. Ziguart tells his three: Damian, Jack, and Julian that they'll have to "prove their stay" causing Julain to get worried.

He is then confronted by Gingka and the others who he refuses to let in until Sophie and Wales hold him off. Julian then reveals that he lost everything to his Konzern name because Hades Inc. had stolen all of the shares so the only thing Ziggurat left him was honor only if he agreed to join Hades Inc. Julian easily defeats Sophie and Wales and is about to return to stopping Gingka and the others; however, he is confronted by Dashan, who stayed behind to battle Julian.

Dashan tells Julian that they never got to battle during their teams match and that Julian has fallen into evil. Julian accepts Dashan's challenge and battles him to prove that he is the strongest. Julian and Dashan battle ferociously as they go back in forth with their beys power. Julian gains the upper hand and gets arrogant to where Dashan can break through his Destroyer's line of attack.

Julian fears losing once more and begins to lose his mind but Sophie and Wales remind him that he has friends and it doesn't matter if you lose and it's ok to make mistakes as long as you can get back up again. Julian takes this to heart as he realizes that winning isn't everything and decides to secede from Ziggurat's alliance. The two decide to finish their match as they release their full power, resulting in Julian's defeat. This does not faze Julian as he decides to move on with his life the right way. When L-Drago attacked, him Wales, Dashan and Sophie are shown to look afraid. He is later shown with Sophie, Wales and Dashan celebrating once the Spiral Core has been stopped.

Beyblade: Metal Fury[]

Julian first appears when he gives an email to Madoka Amano saying to come to the airport. They go to ancient Greece and go to a temple where a secret Bey lived. The temple was in the ruins and the Bey had left to train. In the finale, Julian and the rest of Team Excalibur join all Beybladers around the world in lending the strength of their Beyblades to Gingka so he could defeat Nemesis and Rago once and for all.


Gravity Destroyer AD145 WD : Julian's Primary Beyblade in Beyblade: Metal Masters. It is a powerful Defense Type Beyblade with a counter mode change as well as a dual rotation. It has incredible attack power in it's left rotation and it's counter mode has the ability the manipulate gravitational waves.

Special Moves[]

  • Eyes of Medusa: While in counter mode, Destroyer manipulates waves of gravity to hold down a target in place, forcing it into the ground. This can be avoided by outmaneuvering the waves or overpowering them, the move is said to turn the opponent to stone and is under the alias that it is in fact a curse.
  • Gravity Brave: Destroyer fires burst of condensed gravity in the shape of arrows, when hit on contact they disperse and crush the opponent with overwhelming gravitational force. While in left rotation, Destroyer fires a flurry of these arrows instead of a single one as it does in right rotation.
  • Black Excalibur: Destroyer's Jet Black Sword, it's most powerful special move, where it takes all the energy of Julian's power and its own rotation and focuses it into Excalibur. Destroyer can spread this energy to attack the opponent several times or instead in one ultimate attack that overwhelms the opponent.


Beyblade: Metal Masters
Opponent Episode Result
Unknown Bladers Offscreen Win
Unknown Bladers (Tag w/ Wales and Sophie) Offscreen Win
European selection match Offscreen Win
Gasur MM012 Win
Karte MM012 Never happened (due to wanting a 2 on 1 battle)
Karte and Zidane MM012 Win
Gingka Hagane, Masamune Kadoya and Yu Tendo (Tag w/ Sophie and Wales) MM016 Win
Second Round Beyblader MM019 Win
Tsubasa Otori MM026 No Outcome
Tsubasa Otori and Ryuga (Tag w/ Sophie and Wales) MM026 No Outcome
Training Bladers MM027 Win
Gingka Hagane MM029 Lose
Giant Training Beyblades (Flashback) MM039 Win
Damian Hart MM039 Lose
Damian Hart (Tag w/ Wales and Sophie) MM039 Lose
Gingka Hagane, Masamune Kadoya, Kenta Yumiya, and Team Wang Hu Zhong (Tag w/ Damian, Jack, and Team Garcias) MM045 No Outcome (were divided)
Dashan Wang, Masamune Kadoya, and Nile (Tag w/ Argo) MM045 No Outcome
Sophie and Wales MM047 Win
Dashan Wang MM047 Lose


Beyblade Metal Masters[]

Beyblade: Metal Fury[]

  • Episode 14: The New Team Dungeon
  • Episode 15: Destroyer Dome
  • Episode 16: Finished! The New Striker
  • Episode 17: I am the Champion!
  • Episode 18: The Labyrinth of Mist Mountain
  • Episode 19: The Lion's Pride
  • Episode 20: Dynamis, Guardian of the Shrine
  • Episode 21: The Legend of Nemesis' Revival
  • Episode 22: The Bladers of the Four Seasons
  • Episode 27: The Lion in the Wilderness (Part 1)
  • Epiosde 33: The Child of Nemisis
  • Episode 34: The Child of Nemesis (Part 2)
  • Episode 35: Four Hearts (Part 1)
  • Episode 36: Four Hearts (Part 2)
  • Episode 37: Come Together Legendary Bladers! (Part 1)
  • Episode 38: Zeus' Barrier
  • Episode 39: Diablo Nemesis (Part 1)
  • Episode 40: Diablo Nemesis (Part 2)
  • Episode 41: To the Final Battleground (Part 1)
  • Episode 42: To the Final Battleground (Part 2)
  • Episode 49: Hades' Persistence (Part 1)
  • Episode 50: Hades' Persistence (Part 2)
  • Episode 51: A Ray of Hope (Part 1)
  • Epsiode 52: A Ray of Hope (Part 2)


  • His Japanese dub name is based on the famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar. In addition to this, he represents Italy for all of Europe.
  • He is the only member on Team Excalibur who doesn't use the "Grand" Fusion Wheel.
  • His Beyblade equipment is kept in a padded suitcase.
  • Gravity Destroyer has the same beast as Reiji's bey Poison Serpent SW145SD, the Legendary Medusa (only in counter mode).
  • He is the only blader who has battled with a team alone in the world championships.
  • He is the second person who obtained two beasts in one bey, the first was Reiji. Both his and Reji's second beast involve Medusa.
  • He seems to be the Metal Saga counterpart of Garland Siebald from the Original Beyblade series.
    • Garland wanted to reach the ranks like his family, as did Julian.
    • Both of them chose Beyblade as their goal.
    • Coincidentally, they are also the only members of their respective teams with a known last name.
  • He is the only blader as of Metal Fury to own a reverse rotation bey, but not be a Legendary Blader.
  • In Episode 14 of Metal Fury, a 14 year old version of himself could be seen seated in the far left corner of the airport beside Wales and Sophie.
  • In Metal Masters, his silhouette can be seen on the far left, in the image before/after the commercial break.
  • Despite the fact that he has been called weak he lost 3 battles out of 13.


See Julian Konzern / Gallery.
