Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki

Please note that this article has to do with Youtube captions from selected Beyblade episodes and other material.

The Metal Fight Beyblade Youtube captions are basically about my quotes and dialogues from my home made Beyblade videos and some from actual Beyblade TV episodes. Basically these are Youtube’s English Automatic Captions that are trying to translate and understand quotes / dialogues, but always fails to do so. XD

The Captions are monitored by a computer that uses Google Speech Recognition.

Enjoy with huge lol’s. XD


Beyblade Metal Fusion

Episode 1: Seeking the Legend!

Hurry! The match already started! = freak securities just track!!!

I have a cold = I have a call!

my beyblade = my a blade!!!

check it out! = Jack on my!

Random Blader: a little punk like you, running into Mr. Benkei.= a little punk like you, running into Mr. JAMIE!!!!

Benkei = Bank a table!!!

Benkei: yell all you want = yellow you live!

Gingka: Beyblading is supposed to be fun = be bleeding is supposed to be fun!

Alright then = Alright, Dan!!!

Random Blader: fifty no joke! Disconnected his buddy are some people

Benkei: who cares let's do this!

Kenta: So cool! = Small Call!

Gingka = Tina!

Face Hunters = the Piece Hunters!

They're just bullies = Police Cheatin!

Gingka: It seems thugs like them are everywhere = It seems DOGS like them are everywhere!

Kenta: I bet you file-line trapped the house high speed what makes you so strong!!!

The Beyblade has nothing to with TAX!!!

Gingka = Tina! (There saying it AGAIN!!!)

Leone = your home!

Benkei: If you don't man up = If you don't make an app!

Kenta: I want him to give me some Beyblade tips today = I want him to give me some gameplay tip for change!!!!

Kenta: Looks like he went in to the new town after all = cooks like you want to go to the menu Doron!!!

Kenta: Those Face Hunters again = Ghost centers again!!!

Gingka Haganei = Django hi Jonnie!!!!

Gingka: Yes, Kenta, watch! = Yes KANTOR/CHANTER, watch!

Blader's spirit = bleeder's spearhead!!!!

Falco: Kenta: Those face hunters again= The Ghost Centers again!!!!

GP14: Lol! I just pictured a bunch of buildings in front of Gingka and Kenta instead of Benkei and the Face Hunters...

Episode 2: Leone's Roar / Fangs!

Ginkga: Wait a second = 22nd! XD

Leone can unleash powerful invisible winds = Leone can unleash powerful invisible OBAMA!!!!

Episode 21: The Survival Tournament Island!

Watching episode 20 where the bladers land on WBBA island and get ready for the survival battle.


DJ: Ok, are you ready! = COCAINE are you ready!!!!

Hikaru: Even Gingka cannot win this = sing a chat with this!!!

Hyoma watching battle from a tree branch: That's the Gingka I know = That's touching I know!!!!

Tetsuya: You've fallen into my crab trap = yeah pollen and JahMycal track package!!!!

State of the Art tool = let's steal your children!!!!

Hikaru's bey = Carlos Day!!!

No problem buddy = no travel money!!!

Your beys wait for the opponent to attack = your days wait for the apartment to attack!!!!

Angle Compass = Ankle Campus / Angle contest!!!

Hyoma: You forgot that a Ram has awesome attacks = You forgot that IRAN has awesome attacks!!!

my name's Hikaru = my name's CAREW!!!

Hikaru: My goal is to become the world's best blader with Aquario = My goal is to become the world's best PLAYER along with MIKE LARRY L!!!!!

Aries = CARRIES/ MARY!!!!

Rock Leone itself is making the tornadoes = RADIO itself is making the tornadoes!!!

plans can be flawed = PLANES can be flawed!!!!

Gingka = Shankar!!!!

Ant Lion Trap = EIGHT LANE TRACK!!!

Yu: Their Attack power was weakened = their dad daughter was weekend!!!

Gingka: What was that? = West Goods that?

Episode 23: The Road to Battle Bladers

Gingka = GK / Jenna!!!

Special Move = Special!!!

Kyoya! = Fuck Yeah!!!

Kyoya: He beat all of you = GB OLIVE YOU!!!!

Blader DJ: Jumping Beyblades = SHOPPING BABE WAGE!!!!

Kyoya: What an annoying bey = warn and knowing day!!!

Kyoya: One on One = One ONLINE!!!!

Blader DJ: Yu is the Survival Champion = Yu is the BIBLE CHAMPION!!!!!

Yu: Battle Bladers = But help leaders!!!!

Strongest blader in the country = Drunk player in the country!!!

Doji = took G / LG!!!

It's called Battle Bladers = kids count Donna Biomat!!!

bladers = BEANERS!!!!

Ryuga: Come and see me = Airline's see me!

Kyoya: What's with that guy = watch with BLACK GUYS!!!!

Yu: Even though in the end I'll be taking down L-drago = even telling me EMAIL be taken down by I'll DRIVE YOU!!!

Doji: That is our true goal = BATTERIES are true goal!!!

Doji: Once it slows up all of the power from all BEES in battle bladers!!!!

Blader DJ: Each Blader must have 50,000 points= each LETTER must have 50,000 BOYS / PIPES!!!!!

L-Drago = EL TRAGO!!!!

Ryuga = HYUGA!!!!


Episode 24 and 25: The Beautiful Aquila / The Sniper Capricorn

Dark Nebula Organization = DOC Nebula Organization!!!

Your're Gingka right? = change anger bright!!!

Tsubasa: You're disqualified as Bladers= you're disqualified as BILLIONAIRES!!!!!

My name is Tsubasa = my name is SUPER FAST!!!!

Tsubasa and Eagle = SOUP LAST Eagle!!!

Tsubasa: Sugi Suko City = SUKI SUKI CITY!!!!

I'm entering too = I'm INJURING too!!!

Tsubasa = Sebastian!!!!

Sugi Soku City tournament = issue so casanni tournament!!!!

Gingka: Tsubasa, this is it = C-BUS, this is HIS DEATH!!!

The winner of the challenge = the LETTER of the challenge!!!

Gingka: A hard fusion wheel = a hard Shin BIA!!!!

Eagle combines Stamina and Defense = Eagle combines Stamina CHANGE PANTS!!!!

Gingka: I can't win in the DRYER!!!!

Pegasus = PACKAGES!!!

Tsubasa: Trouble for Eagle?= Trouble Free Good!!!

Gingka: The solid defense makes it too heavy = the solid defense makes you too HAPPY!!!!

Feel it = FELIX!!!

Gingka = Genius!!!

Gingka to Tsubasa: What's your gain? = What's your JANE?

Earth Eagle = P.M. PEOPLE!!!!

Gingka and Tsubasa = G to Bottled Water!!!!

Kyoya: Where are they = Where R DAY!!!!

Kyoya: I don't even have to use my special move = I don't even have to use my special MOM!!!!

He's like a ghost = He's like a GULF COAST!!!!

Kyoya = Ski oh yeah!!!!

Capitan Capri = Catching Crabby!!!

Prince tower tournament = French Our tournament!!!

Capricorn = Capper Corn!!!

Tobio = Rodeo!!!!

Capitan Capri = Charlton Child!!!!

My opponent is Capitan Capri = my EMPLOYEE'S Captain Capri!!! XD

Episode 27 and 28: Intruders! Challenge Match / Crabby Crabby Operation!

Bladers are competing = LETTERS are competing!!!

Tsubasa = Posada / tissue box / so bosons!!!

Battle Yu = Battle VALUES!!!

Doji to Tsubasa: Do you like cactuses = Do you like ACTRESSES!?

Dark Nebula Organization = Doctor Bill Organization!!!

Doji: That is correct = MATT is correct!!!

Please leave immediately along with Yu = Please leave immediately along with EU!!!

Inplen Valley = Penguin Angel!!!

Hyoma: Why, if it isn't Kenta = Miami is intense!!!

I'm gonna go with the forest = HONEYCOMBED the forest!!!

Rock Aries = MOM CARRY!!!

Tsubasa = bassam!!!

Yu: This is the stage you picked? = CHF! (Swiss Franks!!)

DJ crying after the sad crabby story: He kept his promise = JUMP IN PROFITS!!!!

Doji: Oh? Is that so? = Boom is not show!!!

Doji: One day, when I woke up in my bed = One day, when I woke up in my YARD!!!!

Doji = Edo G!!!

Libra = Wii Black!!!

Dark Nebula Organization = Dock Connector Arguments / Docking Nebula Organization!!!

Tetsuya: I think his name is Yu = I think his name is YIELD!!!

Doji: So tell me = Sub JAIL ME!!!

Yu: I thought I smelled something = 1990's mountain pumping!!!

Mad Gasher will be fine! = MADAGASCAR will be 5!!!

Tetsuya: my baby crab! = my baby crap!!!

Dark Nebula Organization = Dock in every Organization!!!

Mister Doji = Mister JOE G!!!

Kenta: What is Beyblade to me? = ESPECIALLY to me!!!

Battle Bladers = Fight bad players!!!

DJ: first and second rounds = first and second DOGS!!!

DJ: I'll catch up to you soon = Architect you soon!!!

DJ: A new competitor = a new Compact!!!

DJ: That ends our entertainment portion = XO I marriage and Abortion!!!!

Gingka = Jenga!!!

Episode 31: The Twin Gemios

No reason = Okay Freezing!!!

Cyber Star Blast Attack!!! = Cyclist Last Attack!!!

Becoming a Blader = Coming up later!!!

Watch this = Watch deaths!!!

everything about it is identical = everything about it is Chemical!!!!

Gingka said to me as well = SENTENCING to me as well!

Sagittario's ability = STEREO'S ability!!!

Sora: I don't know what to do = I don't know what YOU YOU!!!

Kenta watching after Sora's special move is done: That's amazing PIE!!!

Cut through the air with high speed = Catholic High School!!!

That your move produced the vacuum = That your move accidently purchased the Backyard!!!

Evil Gemios = Evil Jimmy O's!!!

Doji to Gemios Twins: You boys = New Boyz!!!

Yu: Let me join in = MONEY LINE!!!!

Join the Dark Nebula = China Jack Gillium!!!

Gingka: Tsubasa = Should pass spy!!!

Dan and Reiki = Tandagree!

Dan: You haven't a chance kid = You have an exchange shed!!!

Evil Gemios = Evil Chevy house!!!

Evil Gemios = People share meals!!!

Dan: Gemios = Jenny Else / Chimayo!!!

Special Move, Blaze Wall = Special move, Place Mall!!!

The silent flame of Blaze Wall = this island claim of Place Mall!!!

Gemios contains Pasta!!!

Madoka: Then there's this fusion wheel = guys manage this kitchen wheel!!!

Flame and Ice = Displaying in house!!!

If I attack carelessly = High-Tech carelessly!!!

Find then Dan = Find and Death!!!

Reiki = Drake Tree!!!

Gemios's Special Move = Jenny's special good!!!

Hikaru picking up Aquario after defeated battle: I lost this = I LOVE this!!!!

Flame and Ice = Power Pole Hines!!!

Dan: Do you see anybody else here? = DC anybody else here!!!

Dan: Stop it Reiki= Shopping Great Go!!!

OFFICIAL SONG LYRIC TRANSLATION TO the Japanese Metal Fusion Credits Song!!!!

Okay my the glove, going, time and what gronzy, people do, good, okay my, go hand-in-hand with go, good, oh yeah, guys, yeah, yeah blowing guide, no ma'am fire gather, gonna yeah, yeah, do, okay, yeah, good, got home and thank God!!! XD

Episode 31: Shine Virgo!

This is the weakness in your will = Wagner Senior Wills!!!

Battle Bladers = Battle Platters!!!

Madoka: His name is Teru huh? = His name is Cherryl Hanna!!!

Sure I've heard of him somewhere = sure I'd pray to them somewhere!!!

Gingka approaching Earth Virgo: That bey spins so beautifully! = FAA spins so beautifully!!!

Earth Virgo = Earth VERSION!!!

Hikaru = Her Carry!!!

Teru: Just like my Virgo = Just like my Burgers!!!

Gingka: His launch power is totally awesome = His launch power is CHARLIE awesome!!!

Nice tour Virgo = Nice sure Cargo!!!

There was an accident during the show = there was an accident during the SHELL!!!

Madoka: His ankle was injured and SUSAN COLLINS have freaking suddenly dissapeared from the ballet!!!

*Teru's friend hands over Virgo to him* = Dammnnn!!!!

Virgo = Burgo / go go!!!!

centrifugal force = tropical forests!!!

Madoka: There are two metal balls inside the spin track = while their CHILDREN CALLS inside the SCHOOL track!!!!

Attacking from the side will work = attacked you from this homework!!!

Virgo's a tough Bey = Burgoh's Tough Day!!!

Teru: Well Virgo? = WELLES FARGO!!!

Madoka: Money back him perhaps three locations once the economy has lost it's balance!!!

Teru = Tara!!!

Ryuga: Your determination to fight = your EXTERMANATION to fight!!!

*Ryuga talking about Gingka* keep improving your moves! = keep improving your HOUSE!!!!

Episode 35: L-Drago on the Move!

100 Bladers = 1500 bytes!!!

Benkei: Perfect Battle for me = PATRICK battle for me!!!

Yu: It's him of course = ATL course!!!

L-Drago = Count Dracula!!!

Battle Bladers = 11 HOURS / Underground MINERS!!!

Strong Blader = HONG LATER!!!

*Gingka looking at his Beypointer with confidence* I won't lose = I WANT TO LOSE!!!!

Captain Capri = JACK Capri!!!

Will it be Tobio = will I'm peach I'LL BE HOME!!!

One opponent = One UP ALL NIGHT!!!

Any assault you throw = NES you throw!!!

Ryutaro: The air current is different = the HAIRCUT is different!!!

His bey = GAYS TODAY!!!

rotation of that bey = rotation on SATURDAY!!!!

Even Ryutaro's magic = he even threw a MagicJACK!!!

The winner is Ryuga! = the winner is Ryo in this power!!!

Ryuga to Tobio and Ryutaro: I want you to join me = I LIKE you to join me!!!

Yu: He has to teach me his dark move for sure = Dark mood TAMPA SHACK for sure!!!

Yu: Tsubasa, it looks like you've seen a ghost or something = TO LASSO, it looks like you're seen a coaster something!!!

Merci = MASSEY!!!

Merci: bringing his pointer to 238 thousand = bringing his courtroom 238 sent!!!

There is an update regarding Gingka = there is an update regarding GMAIL!!!!

Merci: System down = System There are!!!

Main Computer ISPG3A = Main Computer IPG Three Days!!!

Beyblade Village = Babe Lake Village!!!

Forbidden Bey = Pepper Big Name!!!

The more power L-Drago will gain = I am praying LOL game!!!

a bey that grows more powerful = A BABY that grows more powerful!!!

Tetsuya: I failed crab = I sale crap!!!

Tsubasa to Doji: If you're going to use a bey for evil purposes = if your going to use a BAKERY for Evil purposes!!!

Three = tree!!!!

Episode 36 and 38: Broken Wings / Run, Gingka!

Doji: Fun and Games are over now = GAME STOP over now!!!

Tsubasa = SEA BASS!!!

It went right into Ryuga's hands = plane ride in July-August!!!

Tsubasa to Ryuga: Keep up on his guard = keep up on his CAR!!! XD (Yes, Eagle Camry on Dragon Prius!)

Yu: poor guy = BLIND guy!!!

Doji to Phoenix: And who are you? = and HOW are you!!!!

Phoenix: My name is Phoenix = MIND HISPANICS PHOENIX!!!

I will take care of this battle = army track characters battle!!!

Yu: Whoa, no kidding = Google now changing!!!

Doji = LG!!!

Tobio = Tao Food now!!!

Captain Capri = Contracting Trade!!!

Storm Pegasus vs. Storm Capricorn = Store PACES vs. Store Capture Card!!!

Use these walls for your advantage = use these MALLS for your ORANGE!!!

Captain Capri = Captain GEOFFERY!!!!

And the direction = BALLOT ELECTION!!!

Kyoya = GEO YEAH!!!


Madoka: All the challenge tournaments from all over the counrty = all of the challenge STUDENTS from all over the country!!!

Tsubasa = Sack next year / pass pong!!!


Doji's plans = OG'S plans!!!!

Ryuga and I = right you goodnight!!!

Madoka: Incredible! How did he see through Aquario's special move? = tricky channel quierias special my?

Hyoma: This guy sure talks tough = DISGUISE sure talks tough!!!

Aries = PERRY'S/ HARRY'S!!!

Tsubasa: What is it with you guys? = BLESSED with you guys!!!

Kenta: Gingka's a really good friend to us = he's a really good friend to ICE!!!

That doesn't matter = ANTI-MATTER!!!!

Doji: Good work Merci = Good Work MAXI!!!!

Mount Haganei = Mount IRONIC!!!!

Koma Village = COMA village!!!

Episode 41: The Serpent's Terror!


Ryuga = RAIL GUN!!!

Benkei: Were not gonna let those Dark Nebula guys = BLACK I LIKE TO START OUR MENU GUYS!!!!

Kyoya: Defeated by Gingka = defeated by JEAN COCTEAU!!!

Ryutaro = ROUTE AROUND!!!

Benkei = That guy's nothing to worry about= NECK TIES nothing to worry about!!!

Gingka: Oh man = HOME MADE!!!

Doji: After Yu = After EU!!!

Kumasuke = MISTOOK A!!!

Gingka: He's another blader from the Dark Nebula = He's another PLAN from JACK DANIELS!!!!

Gingka: Serpent's Attack increase the power = SERVICE attack increase the power!!!!

Madoka: Aries has gotten weaker = GARY has gotten weaker!!!

It injected poison to weaken Aries = injected some point sexually Carries!!!!

Defeated = PDF!!!

Reiji: I'll defeat you = How the PEACH you!!!

Kyoya: In a Bey Battle, there is a way to stop this if the opponent has a sleep out = A CHILDREN'S TV about or be completely stopped with a sleep out!!!!

Tsubasa: If Hyoma was a weak blader = IF THE OWNER WAS A WEEK LATER!!!!

Gingka: He's just gotta rest or something = he's just got a RASTER something!!!!!!!

Ryuga to Hikaru: I'm gonna finish you = I have a CAMPAIGNING ISSUE!!!

Beyblade Metal Masters

Episode 1: Exploring a Legend

Kenta: Where did he get to? = Where did he get killed?

Gingka: One heart and mind = What I had in mind!

Gingka lives in Atlanta!

Masamune loses a Bey battle against Dimitri Nikolai!

Masamune: Beg me for a rematch = YOU LOG me a rematch!!!

Gingka: Use your footwork = does your BLOODWORK!

among those = long nose!

who owns that sucker = just to you soccer!

my Ray Striker = mind race track!

Yu: Looks like the circus is in town = looks like you didn't count!

Yu: How about battling me then = How bout Palin me then!

Tsubasa: How can it move like that from a stationary position = happiness like that from a stationary position!

Tsubasa: What is that Bey? = What is back pain!

Masamune: Who said anything about running, kid? = Who said anything about MONEY kid?

Masamune: If Gingka isn't here = 15 days in here!

The path is treacherous = package treacherous!

Gingka: As long as that bey is there = As long as that day is there!

Harkuto: Be careful, if you fall in it = the captial, if you're calling it!

Kenta: Then how? Isn't there a secret path or something? = to home thier secret thier or something?

Harkudo: hi mom, there it is!

The Bey has been like that = the mayor has been like that.

during it's long long sleep= during it's long long sleeve!

colluages the worst kill you!

Kenta: The bey is talking to Gingka? = he started teaching go!

*Gingka in space* = haha we're hi by!

Gingka: um and you are? = I'm and you that?

Episode 2: The Persistent Challenger!

My name is Masamune Kadoya = my name is MATT SOMONI! MASAIMOO NAKED DELIA!!!

The World's Strongest Blader = The World's Strongest PLATER!!!

Masamune Kadoya guy? = Massive my Naked oh yeah I!!!

Since he's calling himself the world's strongest = since he's COLLEAGUES the world's Strongest!!!

Horse Feathers = Wash Finish!!!

Gingka: We'd think it would be good for you to call yourself the World's Strongest Blader! = when a good campaign account Youtube the World's Strongest PLATER!!!!

Why such an important tournament while I wasn't around? = why such an important ARTICLE why I wasn't around!!!

Masamune: If I competed = Get my GED!!!

Masamune: So, here me now every one = we can be nearly every line!!!

Gingka = Gene on!

Gingka: Masamune, I will accept your challenge = MATHAMATIC, I will accept your challenge!!!

Looking forward to it = looking 08 Jewitt!!!


Masamune = Map in Munich!

Masamune: Better tighten that scarf Gingka = better tight next dive Jinga!!!

Striker's Birrage attack = Strike the Ground Attack!!!

Not bad = Not MAD!!!

What just happened here = Highlights care her!!!

Pegasus? = KSS?

But you can't call that a win now can you? = which he got away now can you!!!

I thought so = night not sold!!!

You won't be able to use it in battle = You WILL BE able to use it in Battle!!!

Hyoma: I am from Koma Village after all = I am from COMMON KNOWLEDGE after all!!!

Hyoma: Best of luck to you, Gingka = Best of luck to you, JANE GOD!!!

Gingka: Thanks, and to you Hyoma = Thanks, Candy you HUMAN!!!!

Gingka = Gonga!!!

Fiery Bey spirit = Fiery BABY spirit!!!

Master the Wild Horse it is = Master the Wild Horse DISEASE!!!

Take care Harkudo = Came to pick a RECORD!!!

You all take care as well! = ARCTIC AIR as well!!!

Madoka: Examine this = Examine LESS!!!

Madoka: Spikes poke out in the opposite way of the direction it spins = you SPOT ACADEMY okay if the direction extreme!!!

When this spins = SPEECH INTRADAY!!!

So guys = CELL DIES!!!

Kenta: What gives? = What kids!!!

Is this an ancient bey Gingka? = Is this an ancient Beijing HA?

Kenta: Pegasus must've been protected in the rock it was buried in = Pegasus mustve been protected in the ROCKET was buried in!!!

Madoka: At any rate = I'm a BREAK!!!

That made Pegasus run wild, that for sure = Pegasus crime lab, that's fresh air!!!

Gingka = Django!!!

Masamune: I know you're in there = hi know your and thier!!!

Masamune: Quit dodging me and get out here = Quit TOUCHING me and get out here!!!

Number one Blader = Number one LATER!!!

That I'm the world's strongest blader, that I'm number one = hide the world surrounded, the item number one!!!

Masamune: So battle with me Gingka = don't Battle the BEACH in GOA!!!

Masamune: I'll beat you yet = I'll BEACH you yet!!!

Mark my Words, got it? = Mark my words on SHOP!!!

That Masamune guy = Met the MANY GUYS!!!

Just like Harkudo said = Just like I COULDA said!!!

Give it a rest Masamune = arrest NASA MOON AE!!!

I'll give you a good battle! = Nigeria a good battle!!!

I can't get control of you! = like a kid sure I love you!!!

Gingka = Jim Kerr!

Kenta: Oh Masasmune is pretty fast = HOME ESTIMATE is pretty fast!!!

I'm sure he came this way! = A JURY came this way!!!

You're a friend of Gingka's! = You're a friend of OJ's!!!

Gingka asked you to come down here = GS asked you to come down here!!!

Kenta = can test!!!

Masamune Kadoya = Mesmo naked Dahlia!!!

Want some? = MON-SUN!!!

ultra spicy hot chili flavoured = Poultry spicy hot chili labled!!!

So = Soul!!!

huh? =haha!!!

secret weapon for winning against Gingka = secret weapon for winning against GENDER!!!

Gingka is going to be on the losing end = CHANGE UP is going to be on the losing end!

I'm impressed you showed up Gingka! = UNIMPRESSED you showed up JENGA!!!

I just turn around and you'd be tagging along behind me = I GENERATE and you'd be tagging ALONE behind me!!!

Amazing, he's so much faster than before = HONEY SING is so much faster than before!!!

Episode 4 and 9: Ticket to the World / Lacerta's Will

Google haha I want a light jog! XD

DJ Jazzman: Time to find out who killed his mom!

Madoka: how are you 21 and drug delivery specialist using Holly's riled smileys!

Gingka won the World Championships! = Chicago won the World Championships!

The skills in Beylin Temple are fast in the cash!

Team Wang Hu Zhong = weighing huge arm / teen wank you shock / when you John!

OMGS! There is this scene where all of the people at the Beylin Temple circle around the Beystadium floor and launch thier beys on thier target who is actually Da Xiang. He then jumps high in the air and takes down all of the Beys with Zurafa.

Then Madoka says: She was able to read all the babies pass back quickly!

Da Xiang Wang = Shy and land / dish I in Weighing / Chennyes/ Daud Shah Hmmmm!

Beylin Temple = Bail in Temple!

Da Xiang: Makes one a true blader = makes money true lighter!

Gingka = Gymkhana / Kenya!

Rock Zurafa = Brock sure af ah!

If that's the case = if stats the chase!

Wang Hu Zhong = Wake you John!

Chao Xin: Drunk girls let's roll!

Striker Flying = Stride Replying!

Masamune Kadoya = Massimo naked Delia!

Beyblade = Paid Play!

Chao-Xin = Tasha / Childhood / CNN!

Masamsune = Massive Money / Matt the Money!

Yu: It looks like Matt the Money is going to hide online!

Da Xiang (to Chao-Xin): If it goes on like this, you will lose Josh.

Hikaru = Cairo!

Gingka: Winning will be really hard= Wedding will be really hard!

Chao-Xin's Virgo = Joe's Jeans Beaurdu!

a leaf = Aleve!

Gingka: Masamune was gonna battle Chao-Xin again = Charlie Puppy was gonna battle GI again.

Slide Google decided to watch stronger should what PNG got the world!

DJ: Dunno what got a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) next year!

Madoka: It's already starting! = Go to HELL!

DJ: Water baths dowdy!

We have the arrival of the Jeep that carried the nation of China has called!

Striker = Street gone!

Da Xiang: It's amazing on how we shop on his moves!

Masamune: I focus my new speed = I bogeys my news feed in palaces!

my Virgo = my bro!

my enemy = Miami!

DJ: there's plane dummy bomb! No Way!

Masamsune: Oh man what's going on? Any of attack powers not working at all? = Romantic, what's going on? I'm money my tax working at all!

Chao-Xin: Google putting in some work with my little man!

Old Man: To shred a leaf, you need great strength and power = He shredded Beef dude right knee great strength and power!

Chao-Xin = Shashank/ Jan She/ Joshi/ Joe Sheehan!

Chao-Xin = do with me Holy School Why?

Masamune: I won gramps = I one grams!

Chi-Yun: Numbers national Office Green exchange for this painful defeats!

A block = eight lakh!

Last time on Beyblade = got my may play!

DJ: having Mac calcium grandmother mystery meat final match tries to address the man glee!

Don't go anywhere = good work with right now dad!

Chi- Yun SHOT YOSHI!!!!

Original quote from Da Xiang: it's because he shot Yoshi and got serious!

Chi-Yun = Jiyoon/ Ji Yoon!

Chao-Xin = channel Sheeshan's / Shashin!

Mei-Mei: The battle between Chao-Xin and Masamune = the battle between Shannon and Nasa Mooney!

Masamune was pleased with Google!

Were counting on you Masamune! = Were counting on you GM!

Tsubasa = shoe box!

DJ: Okay! Here we go! = ground running a blog now wow!

Chi-Yun: I must win = I'm last week!

Wang Hu Zhong = When you shine!

Chi-Yun: What happened to Kyoya, anyways?= going to keel you anyways!

Tsubasa: This is Justin BTC!

DJ: or will Wang Hu Zhong? = Girl's softball!

Madoka: An agency which stresses Police!

Da Xiang: That status was not affected in Beylin Temple = that status was not affected baby in Temple!

Chi-Yun: Obama Weiss keep in mind the great UK!

Chi-Yun: gourmet BBQ my friend!

Da Xiang: to you on star shah on Armada again!

DJ: no technique this time = No candidate this time!

Chi-Yun = Chauhan/ junior college!

Dark Tsubasa: I don't want to hear any modern Europe spanning guided the kids taking bids!

Tsubasa = gym pass!

Your lacerta's going to say good bye forever! = Jonah Shacknay's goodbye forever!

DJ: I'm the way to guide the hot pot!

Gingka: Tsubasa = deposit, you've heard him. Stuff for the a block the baby might work champion!

Wang Hu Zhong = Between my down!

10 victories = 10 injuries!

Source Beyblade Metal Masters episode 9: Lakota's Will!

Episode 11: Lacerta's Stuborness

Last time on Beyblade= Green Lane!

Team Gan Gan Galaxy= team De-Icing!

dark forces= dark horses!

Wang Hu Zhong= Why you job/remind you sharp/ a great way you!

Masamune: One loss is nothing to free Gallerie after my destiny!

Masamune: Listen up, Jenga/Jim got!

Tsubasa= Super fast/to bus stop!

Chao-Xin: take it easy shit, it's all good!

Chi-yun: true victory= true picture

Chi-yun= GN!

I Chi-yun= my children!

Da Xiang= shayad/ K Cheynne!

Madoka: Aren't they the Beylin Temple bladers?= I think they would be here in Tampa bladers?

Gingka= change-up!

Star booster Attack!= good blahhh!

DJ: Dole rain brought our staff to lose back to call!

Rock Zurafa= Wax your operate/ rush around the tag!

Da Xiang: At that level, it cannot defeat Rock Zurafa= at that level but cannot defeat rock your laptop!

Gingka: Pegasus!?= sis on hey guess!

Madoka: my that surrounded used it's rather wait a Christian tourists!

Gingka to Da Xiang: Katherine Jackson didn't spend your night!

Madoka to Gingka: Do explain to your traveling to girls!

Parents to drained if he keeps taking me to get it, it'll make you stop playing!

Masamune: What are you doing out there, Gingka? You're in a attack battle!= Guys who are you doing out there? If you're in a tank battle, Pegasus is the better baby tacky tacky!

Attack Attack= Tacky Tacky!

Da Xiang: Monday January 28 is good!

Madoka: liking you think girls, dude!

my trying to expand the battle field tapped to get the message!

Da Xiang's Rock Zurafa= blast Science from Somalia!

(con't) has broken links has stamped even greater than last!

Chao-Xin= Cash!

Gingka: smog mode divided gonna buy keeps circling the stadium like this!

DJ: this is good actors says it wants it's not a good day!

Da Xiang: We Beylin Temple bladers= We bail in Tampa Bladers!

Beylin Temple= baby n temple/ Palin Temple!

Da Xiang: Gingka, why aren't you listening?= goodbye aren't you listening?

Gingka to Da Xiang: Your jury did tell me that I can't stand it!

Gingka: Beylin's 4000 year legacy = your legacy message, got it!

Da Xiang: Before you sleep out much, Spanish Test with an attack!

Masamune: Drinking too much will give you a headache!

Madoka: doing staying at finance training!

Benkei: government grants and get a good time for a change you back Jeep fighting!

Gingka: smell like the cheers!

Da Xiang: thanks babe Temples time honored Wallace!

Kyoya: Gingka, face me. Don't you dare lose to anyone= Peace me don't you dare lose your check to anyone!

DJ: it's all over! = text all hacer!

Gan Gan Galaxy = LaCie Jayhawks!

Benkei: You lifted South Miami!

Da Xiang to Zurafa: Ive lost, Ivan!

Da Xiang: I'm so ashamed= solution aimed hey money!

Da Xiang: Let's create our very own Palin temple legacy gone!

Episode 17: We meet again Wang Hu Zhong!

EU team = AT&T!

Gloucester to Youtube!

baby World Championships!

Gingka: Jets that sounds like a plan!

Chao-Xin: We'll see you guys really blew it = Pussy you guys really blew it!

Chao-Xin = cashier! XD

Madoka: guys let's start the training= Google expected raining!

Gingka = GPS!

Da Xiang = this giant!

Chao-Xin: I'll delete my new job!

Rock Zurafa = got it brochure!

Oh no! Virgo! = go tango!

Da Xiang! Who is Jean Marc!?

Storm Surge = Stuff Smith!

Gingka = Django!

Yu: I'll apply for jail comic! We'll not be invited to be black anyway!

Episode 18: The Scorching Hot Lion!

Have a Leone user = HAPPILY own user!!! XD

African bladers to Kyoya: You're planning to battle us all by yourself = you're planning to BED LOVE us all by yourself!!! XD

He's so strong = Peace first round!!!

Kyoya: So that's Rock City, huh?= So that's Roxie Hart!!!

Kyoya: These guys are a bunch of Yahoos = These guys are a bunch IN Yahoo's!!!

Blue, red, and yellow = BOMB, red and yellow!!

Each Group = Beach Garrido!!!

Color = COLLOR!!!

Bladers = PLANNERS!!!

Kyoya: You're in my way! = You're in my LANGUAGE!!!

Kyoya: Special Move = Special GUY!!!

Kyoya: I'm your worst nightmare that's who= I'm your worst nightmare that's SHIT!!!

Kyoya: His name is Nile, huh? = His name is NOW, huh?

Here we have 3 heroes who got a fierce battle royale = here we have 3 YEAR OLD who got a fierce battle royal!!!

Strong Bladers = Strong Waiters!!!

Battle Royale = in about a while!!!

Skill and talent = SKILLET ALAN!!!!

after battling 24 Hours = after battling 25 OUR!!!

Kyoya: You're pretty good, Nile = You're pretty good, NOT!!!

Nile: So are you Kyoya = Shower you hell yeah!!!!!!

I found them, over here! = I SHELDOM! Over here!!!

Nile: Show yourself = SHALL yourself!!!

Hey, can I get in on the match? = Hey, can I get in on MATCH . COM!!!!

Kyoya: Do it now Nile = Do it now, NOW!!!!

Selection tournament = ELECTION tournament!!!

Coming here = Coming YEAR!!!

What's the point of fighting = WASSUP PLAYA FIGHTING!!!!

Representative positions, isn't that right?= representative PIEGONS, DISNEY right!!!!


Talented team of bladers = talented GEENA bladers!!!

Kyoya: I'll send them flying all at once = I'll send them OFFLINE at once!!!

We'll get caught in the crossfire, too = We'll be taught a class back to school!!!!!

Hole in the ground over here = Hole in the ground OVER A YEAR!!!!

Marcus, Why you! = Marketwire You!!!!

Kyoya: Where did those rats run off to!? = where did the RASH run OFF YOU!!!

Kyoya = GEO YEAH!!!

Nile= NIGHT!!!

Thermal Gemios 125 F= Thermal Jenny Host want to buy that ass!!!!

Episode 19: The Shocking Wild Fang!

Yu: I wish I could've seen that! = That my ECONOMY ONE I EXTENEDED!!!

Gingka = Change I!

Tsubasa: Kyoya is here = KENO I IS here!!!

Madoka: There's a lot of history= I'm this BLACK HISTORY!!!

Kyoya and Gingka = Healy Engineer!!!

Masamune: What kind of History?= LOOK LIKE HISTORY!!!

Kyoya = Helio!/key oh yes!/Key Early/she oh yeah!/kill you yeah/he oh yeah/ NGO yet/ Kelia!!!

Kyoya's Battle= CHILL is battle!!!

Plus! = PLUSH!

Wild Fang= Wild THANG/ while PLAYING/Loud BANG/Wild Fans!!!!

Hikaru: A block final= A BLOG FINAL!!! XD

Team Excalibur= Team CALIBER!!! XD

Gaser= CASHIER!!! XD

Masamune: Oh yeah= I/O yeah! (Input/Output yeah!) XD

Wang Hu Zhong= When you young/milage on/rain u-jean!!!! XD

For sure= Fresh Air!!! XD

Tsubasa= soon bossa!!! XD

India's team= ANY STEAM!!! XD

Beyblade World Championship= Baby Weighed World Championship!!! XD

Rock Serpent= Rocks COMMENT!!! XD

Storm Serpent= Storm SEWER!!! XD

Team Chandora= Team Jan Dara!!! XD

Yu: They are all using serpent beys = They are located in TAMPA BAY!!!! (Jealous, Wang Hu Zhong?) XD

Weak little kittens = WEEK LITTLE KIDS!!! XD

We have a promise of two wins in a row = we have a promise of JULIAN'S in a row!!!! XD

Ridiculous conference = DRINK TICKETS conference!!! XD

Let's watch Team Chandora = Let's WASH team ANGORA!!! XD

Take negative energy and put them into our Beyblades = take negative energy and landlines into braodband plans!!!! XD

DJ: In this first match = FUCK in his first match!!! XD

Finally take a loss = File a text Haas!!! XD

Rittek = REMIX!!! XD

Were counting on you!= Were CHATTING on YAHOO!!! XD

Benkei: Show'em whose boss Nile!= SHOWER POCKET DIAL!!! XD

Nile: Flap your wings Horseus!= CLASS your RAZOR CS!!! XD

Masamune: It went flying without= GOOGLE went IMPLYING!!! XD

our team can charge= CARTOONING charged!!! XD

Kyoya: Things sure are getting lively = Things sure are JETTING lively!!! XD

Goody for you = JUDY THREE YEAR OLD!!! XD

Wind Control techniques = WIND CHILL techniques!!! XD

Stop Pegasus = job bank S!!! XD

nine day old even class men defeated!!! XD

Episode 20: The Ballistic Wild Fang!


DJ: Hell ya good! We need to challenge Google's voice be more exciting by dirt!!!

Kenta: Welcome Home, Gingka = Welcome GLOOM, Ginger!!!

Kenta: Of course I was watching your matches = of CLASS I was watching your CATCHES!!!!

Masamune: My moves were super cool = my MOMS were super cool!!!

Chao-Xin = Ash Hank/ Cash on/ Cashing!!!

Masamune = Mezzaluna!!!

Kenta: Most importantly was, you guys were able to come back with out losing = you guys were able to come back with out SAYING!!!

Now it's time for the third round = I get to be on the ground!!!

Kyoya: And it's you Gingka! = THANK YOU GENE GOT!!!

Gingka: He feels so strongly about this = SHE feels so strongly about this!!!

Masamune: Noooooo Faiiiiirrrr! = Noooooo HAIIIIIIRRR!!!

Masamune: I wanna battle Kyoya too! = I wanna battle GI JOE!!!

All: Masamune! = SOME MONEY!!!

It's simple = EXAMPLE!!!

Kenta: Of course it does Masamune = Of course it does MAXIMUM!!!

Yu: Masamune = Massimoo NAMED!!!

DJ: How's it going? = HOUSING IN!!!

DJ: Public press conference = Public Press Coverage!!!

Gan Gan Galaxy = Yeah IZ trim!!!

Wild Fang = While Back!!!

Kenta whispers to Madoka: Isnt it kinda rare to see Kyoya at a thing like this? = he kinda rare to see tell yeah anything like GAYS!!!!

Gingka = Gina!!!

Kenta: The bigger question is, how long do you think our buddies can keep wearing that costume?= The bigger question is tremonti think our bodies can keep playing that goofy constantly!!!

We all know it's Benkei = We are now we thank a!!!

Guess we just watch and wait = Guess we watching LADY GOODMAN!!!

Masked Bull = Masked Ball!!!

DJ: Before Mystery Man explodes = Before MISTER EXPLODE!!!

Team Wild Fang = Team WHILE BACK!!!

Reporter: Uh, Kyoya? = ARCLIEA!!!

Savannah = SAMANAH!!!

Kyoya: That is not important = JACK is not important!!!

Kyoya: Just come grab a ticket and watch us battle! = Just come grab a JACKET and watch us PADDLE!!! xD

Beyblade History = Babe let history!!!

Masamune = METS MONET!!!

Masamune: Will make Gingka's and Kyoya's battle to look like a kids game of marbles! = For making a FEW YEARS BACK to look like a BIDS game of BOTTLES!!!

My opponent will be Nile! = My PARTY will be AISLE!!!

Vulcan Horuseus = Vulcan OUR ROOM SHE US!!!

DJ: We now have a match between Masamune and Nile = We now have a match between MOTHERHOOD A PENNY!!!

Yu: Are you okay with this Tsubasa? = Are U okay with this LAST MADE!!!

Yu: They decided the pairings without asking you = they decided the PARENTS without asking BLUE!!!

Masamune: Okay, Kenta. I gotta practice to get ready to kick some butt tommorow! = FROM WHAT I CAN TELL I gotta practice to get ready KIDS in SAVANNAH BUT tommorow!!!

I, Masamune, the number one blader = THE MESSAGE NO ONE CLAIMED!!!

Yu: You've gotta be on your toes, Masamune = You ve gotta be on your JOBS, MONTANA!!!

Vulcan Horuseus is sure a Mysterious bey = MONTANA SURE ROOTS THE MYSTERIOUS DAY!!!

Madoka: That's true = X-TRAIL!!!

The fight was over so quickly, there was no time to analyze the abilities = The fight was over so quickly, the WOMEN time to analyze it's FERTILITIES!!!

Masamune = MUCH MONEY!!!

Your opponent is an undefeated Bey = Your opponent is an undefeated BABY!!!

Vulcan Horuseus = RECORD A BOOK IN HER AS SHE IS!!!

Gingka and Kyoya = Ging A NGO yeah!!!

Masamune and Nile = Masimoo man N I'll!!!

Battle truly powerful Bladers = Battle truly powerful WAITERS!!!

Nile: Masamune Kadoya huh? = I KNOW NASA MORE NECK ENJOY A HOT!!!

Ryo: It's finally time, Hikaru. = It's finally time FOR CAREW!!!

Gingka = AGENDA!!!

Nile: The more embarrassed you'll be when I beat you! = The more embarrassed SHELBY when I'D BE CHILL YOU!!!

Masamune: I'll take you down Nile! = I'll RAPE you down CHILD!!!

Episode 27: The Creeping Darkness

Last time on Beyblade= LAUGHTER my Beyblade!!!

A Block finals= APE LOCK finals!!!!

Gingka talking about Kyoya: In order for that day, I have to work harder too. = In order for that DATE, I have to work harder and harder too!!!

Tsubasa: Win, Win, I will win!= WHEN, WHEN, I will WHEN!!!

Episode 45: The Miracalous Spiral Force!


Gan Gan Galaxy = USA golf!

The same man covering this event = The SAME AND TIRING event!

Blader DJ: Well, we did invite the other teams = Well, we DOING ALL THE OTHER GENES!!!

Gingka: So? Where are the Garcias? Excalibur? = SAYS, where are the EVENTS? CALENDER?

Gingka: There should be no sour grapes right? = There should be no SHOWER GREAT, right?

Gingka: Yu and Tsubasa should be celebrating with us = USE A BASTARD should be celebrating with us!!!

Ziggurat = XEROXED!!!

Gingka: Why are the Garcias and Julian with Ziggurat for goodness sake? = ACTUALLY, I'M Garcia ESSENTIALLY IN THE CIVIL RIGHT FOR Goodness sake!!!

Ziggurat: I have come here today to this occasion to announce the historic results of my research to the entire world = I have come here today to this occasion to announce the historic results of my research to the INDIAN TIME WORLD!!!

Ziggurat: Uh-huh = OHIO!!!

Ziggurat: ee-yes = BS!!!

Ryo: Draw energy from a bey? = Draw energy from a BABY!!!

Ziggurat: Beys would become an unbelievable energy source that could continuously produce an almost unlimited supply of energy = BABIES would become an unbelievable energy source that could continuously produce an almost unlimited supply of energy!!!

Spiral Core = Spiral CALL!!!


Faust = POST!


Ziggurat to Faust: Now show them the entire world the power of the future! = Now SELL them the entire world the power of the future!!!

Madoka: What terrible power= What terrible TYLER!!!

Ziggurat: Read my lips boys = Read my lips MOIST!!!

Ryo: Ziggurat! You know how deadly the spiral force could be = SARAH! You know how deadly the spiral force could be!

Gingka to Ziggurat: This guy is loopy! = This guy is PEACHY!

Ziggurat: I have fulfilled the promises = I have the FIELD the promises!

Kyoya: Why are you having such a hard time with those bunch of clowns? = Why are you having such a hard time with BUDGET CLOUDS!!!

Kyoya: Now then Kitties = HOUSING KIDDIES!!!

Jack: Don't rush me = TELL FRESH MEAT!!!

Ziggurat: Sooner or later I'll call you all into my work. = Sooner or later ALL . COM YOU ARE WILLING TO my work!

Beyblade Metal Masters Episode 50: The Spiral Force

Omgs, I once watched Beyblade Metal Masters episode something where Dashan and Julian battle and everytime the captions translated this into this!

Dr. Ziggurat = Dr. CIGARETTE!!!!!

Toby would die= TOLLYWOOD TIME!!! xD

Bonus caption from Beyblade Metal Masters episode 41: The Final Countdown!

Gingka: What's with this place? = HUGS with this place!

Ziggurat: Spiral Force release = Spiral BALLS release!!!

Masamune: Toby! = TELL ME!!!!

Faust: I am not this person, Toby = I am not DISPERANT, IB!

I am Faust = I am SOUTHEAST!!!

Ziggurat: He is Faust = He is FILES!!!


Masamune: Toby is no saviour! = TELL ME is no SAFE HERE!

Faust: Once Tempo starts spinning = Once STEM POST starts spinning!

Ryo: Don't fail us Kids = Don't F****k US kids!

Ziggurat: So you two can think you can do this = SHOW you two THINGS you can so this!

Ziggurat: The Ultimate Bey that was developed during all the data gathered from the World Championships = The Ultimate BABY that was developed during all the data gathered from the BAY BLAME WORD Champion SHITS!

Masamune: We'll beat Tempo! = We'll BE CAMPO!!!

Tempo's greatest feature = Tempo's GRADE IS feature!!!

By the powerful centrifugal force created by the Twisted Wheel = By the powerful centrifugal force created by the INTERESTED WE'LL!

It is far superior to all other Beys in the world = It is POSSIBLE PERIOD to all other MAZE in the world!!!!

You cannot stop it = You can not SCORPIONS!!!

Faust: Go now Tempo = Go now CHAMP!!!

You see, Twisted Tempo's rotation = You see, Twisted TEMPLES rotation!

You boys will listen when I bother to talk to you = You boys will listen when I PAULO to talk to you!

energy charge at level 6, 7, 8 = energy charge at level 6, SECOND, AIDS!!!

A Bey that will change the world = A BABY that will change the world!!!

A Bey that can actually control space and time = A BABY that can control space and time!!!

Faust: Special Move, Go! Spiral Dimension! = Special Move, Go! Spiral I MENTIONED!!!

Kyoya: Now what!? = Now WATCH!!!

Gingka: Is that swirly thing a blackhole? = Is that SMILING GOLF a black hole!

Faust: This is a blackhole = FISH is a blackhole!

Faust: That Tempo has created = That TAMBO has created!

Masamune: Toby? = TOLD ME!

Faust: Tempo is a bey that rules over space and time = TABOOS OBEYED THE rules over space and time!

For the sake of Hades brings bright and perfect future = For the SHAKE-UP 80's Kings 310 perfect future!

Spiral Force supplier rate increasing further = Spiral FOR supplier 8TH increasing further!

Ryo: Hurry! Hades City is heading for the ocean! = Hurry! ANY CITIES heading for the ocean!

Kenta: To the Ocean? = To the OC!

Masamune: You're just being used by Ziggurat to take over the world = You're just being used by BICYCLE to RIDE over the world!

Ziggurat: In the end you're mere children = in the end MIA children!

Now you are doomed to watch from the darkness = Now you are doomed to watch from the DOG MISSING!

Well, I gained fame and fortune as a scientist posses even more genius than Einstien = Well, I gained fame and fortune as a scientist posses even more genius than CHEESE LINES!

Time until release of Spiral Force 20 seconds = Time until release A STYLE OF COURSE 20 seconds!

19, 18 = 19, A TEAM!


Ryuga: Hmph! So Dr. Ziggurat! = Hmph! So Dr. CIGARETTES!

Pathetic = AESTHETIC!

Kyoya: What? No..... = What? NOM!!!

Faust: Spin Tempo Spin! = SPENT LOL spin!

Lightning sword flash! = NIGHTMARE sword flash!

Toby speak to me = TELL ME, SPEECH ME!

Toby! Are you okay? = TELL ME are you okay!

Ziggurat: My great plans = MIGRATE plans!

They were ruined by those children = FLEW ONE but TWO children!

It's me Masamune = It's me, VANESSA MOONEY!

Faust: Masamune? = NASA MONEY?

My name is Faust = my name is FILEHOST!

Faust: But my Tempo = but my TEMP OF!

I must make Tempo spin again = I must make TEMPLE spin again!

We have lost control of Hades city = we have lost control of HAITI's city!

Enter the red zone = ENGINE the red zone!

The number two and three engines have failed = The number two IN three engines have SALES!

Beyblade Metal Masters Episode 51:

Unable to stop our decent = Unable to stop I JUST SENT!

Emergency Water landing successful = Emergency FIRE landing successful!

Kyoya: Let's get out of here before it's too late = Let's CHAT out of here before it's too late!

This is all your fault = This is all JOE WALDHOLTZ!

Releasing any more Spiral Force = If RECIEVE NEVER became number one!

Faust: Go spin, c'mon spin! = Go SPAN! C'mon SPAM!

Continue to spin forever = JESUS INSURANCE!!! xD (Why captions, why!?) xP

I will not allow anyone to interfere with Twisted Tempo! = I will not allow anyone to INTERVIEW with 92 ST TAHOE!

But then those kids = BOOK then those CHIEFS!

It's not my fault = GOODNIGHT FOOD!

Zeo: Where do you think you're going Ziggurat? = Where do you think you're going SEE KARATE!

Zeo: what are you doing here = VEHICLE what are you doing here!

DJ: The seawater around Hades city = The sea water around 80'S CITY!

Benkei: We have to rescue Kyoya and the others = we have to rescue KELLEY and the others!

Ryo: Hikaru! Everyone! = PICASA! Everyone!

Ziggurat: Tempo was created based on the data the ultimate right rotating bey = TEMPLE STREET BE SELECTED AS THE HOUSE MET MY DIDN'T TAKE PICS!

Spiral Force = FINE OF COURSE!

Toby = TILL BE!

Kyoya: This Battle is just getting started = This FAMILY'S just getting started!

What are you saying I taught you?= What are you saying I TALK you!

Masamune: Of the consequences= PUBLIC Consequences!

Gingka: But Toby = PUT JOVI!

Bladers communicate with each other in Battle = PLAYERS communicate with JOHANNES battle!

You me and Zeo = You MEAN SEAL!

My name is Faust, and I alone am able to control time and space with my bey Tempo= My name is FILES, and I alone am able to control time and space with my BAKED APPLES!

Special move, Spiral Dimension! = Special move, SPYRO I MENTION!

Made by the greatest bey in existence = Made by the greatest PAIN EXCHANGE!

Zeo to Faust: Ziggurat is using you to complete a terrible mission = CIGARETTES is using you to complete a terrible mission!

Faust: Number one? = Number FUN!

Number one = Number LINE!

Faust: Number one = Number MOM!

One minute until meltdown = One MEANING until meltdown!

L-Drago = OJ MAYO!!! xD (Ewww!) xD

Toby! C'mon Toby! = TELL ME c'mon TELL ME!

Masamune? Zeo? = MASS IN MUNICH! ZL!

Madoka: You managed to wear it out again huh?= You managed to AIR it out again, huh!

Kyoya: Say what? = Say WATCH!!!

Gingka: The more rivals, the more interesting it will be = The more rivals the more JUSTIN it will be!!!

Beyblade Metal Crack 4/Beyblade Metal Masters episode 38: Friend's Name is Zeo!

Madoka: But I thought following up on the information Julian gave me was the most important thing! =But I thought following up on the information Julian GAMES me WHAT'S the most important MEN!

*GGG visits New York* Rihanna: Breathe out , Breathe in. American Oxygen, Whoa oh! = Breathe out , Breathe in. American HAHA!

Madoka: Because the repairs to Eagle and Libra = Because the repairs to EAT LIVER!

Masamune: Me, Toby and Zeo were Bey training partners =Me, Toby and Zeo were BAY TRADING partners!

Yu: It's twice as tall as Striker's = It's twice as tall as DRINKERS!

Madoka: This is probably the tallest Spintrack all in Beyblade history! = This is probably the tallest THOMAS ALL IN PAPER history!

Masamune to Zeo: Striker will tear that Bey of yours into itty bitty pices! = Striker will tear that PUSSY of yours into itty bitty pices!

*Masamune and King argue over the trophy* King: That thing is mine! = That thing is MOM!

Beyblade Metal Fury

Beyblade Metal Fury Episode 1:

Kyoya: Star fragment here me! Give that power to our black sun! = Star PRAGNA NEAR me! Give that power to our black SON!

DJ: This heated WBBA sponsor tournament = This HATED WBBA tournament sponsor tournament!

DJ: The final battle begins now = the VITAL DIAL begins now!

Gingka: I wanna battle now too = I wanna battle now SOON!

Kenta: Check it out Madoka! I won! = Check it out Madoka! HI won!

Benkei: Your first order of buisiness is settling that time with Kyoya = Your first order of business is settling that time with GILIJA!

Benkei: It's the true lion gale force wall version 2 = It's the true lion gale force wall PERSON TWO!

Kenta: The new true sandstorm? = The new true FANS DOOR?

Madoka: Be careful, Gingka! That sand twister is much stronger than any wind he's made before! = Be careful Gingka! That sand WINDSOR'S much stronger than ANYONE WHITNEY'S he made before!

Madoka: Why don't you start battling with your bey for a change? = Why don't you start battling MUSIC ONLY TO POWDER DO PAPER change!

Gingka to Kyoya: I know your attacks! = I know you're a DEX!

Kenta: He actually knocked down the tree to get rid of the tornado! = He actually NOT down the tree to get rid of the TREE OH!

Kenta: That's it! Pegasus's special move! = That's it! VEGAS IS a special move!

Benkei: This is Kyoya's new new new special move! = This is KOREA's new new new special move!

Benkei: That's Kyoya for you, kids! = That's JOSEPH for you kids!

Kyoya: King lion reverse wind strike = king lion RIVER WINDS DRY!

Madoka: In that muddy swamp, a bey like Pegasus can't normally hold it's ground! = In that BLOODY swamp, a bey like Pegasus can't normally hold it's ground!

Kyoya: I do not allow my prey to escape! = I KNOW a LOT OF TRAINS to escape!

Benkei: You've got em, Kyoya pal! = You GOTTA KILL A PAL!

DJ: Next time on Beyblade, Ryo and his team figure out how Kyoya and Gingka's Beys transform during their last battle. = Next time on Beyblade, RIHANNA'S team figure out how Kyoya and Gingka SPACE transform during YOUR last battle!

Kyoya says he doesn't care and he starts leaving = KEYOYA says he doesn't care and HEAT starts leaving!

But Kyoya declines= but YELL YOUR EYES!

Johannes says he knows who Gingka is = REAOWW HANNAH says that he knows who JANE is!

Yuki thanks Gingka for his help = JIMMY thanks GYM KA for his HELL!

Which introduces his friends = which INDUCES TWO HANDED friends!

Beyblade Burst

Beyblade Burst Episode 1:

So, every opponent must analyze thier Beys and knock thier Beys out! = So, every opponent must analyze thier BEDS and knock thier BRAINS out!

Rantaro: (from german to english translated dub): So the Signs running up Dawg!!!! xD

LOL! During the Valtryek vs Kerbeus match in episode 2, they mention Switzerland! xD

Valt: I would FAIL CONTRACTORS!!! xD

Beyblade Burst Evolution Ep 1:

Turns out Daigo is the capitan of AC Gallus = Turns out GEICO is the capitan of ASC DALLAS!

You're Rantaro and youre Valt = Youre a RETARD and you're VOTE! xD

Rantaro: Translation? = Chad's liscense!

Valt: I wonder if Shu went through this training too. = I wonder if SHE went through this training too.

Shadow Roktavor = Shadow Rock DIVORCE!

Black eye: What a maginificent bey. It fits in my hand. = What a magnificent BED. It fits in my hand!

Episode Intro (Valt): Underground Maze = Underground MACE!

Daigo Kurogami = GEICO Kurogami! xD
