Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki












Debut (Manga)

Volume 2, Chapter 8

Debut (Anime)

Episode 33

Appears in

Anime, Manga, Video Games

Seiyū (Japanese)

Sho Hayami

Voice actor(s) (English)

Ron Pardo

Phoenix (フェニックス, fenikkusu), (real name Ryo Hagane) is a character in the Metal Fight Beyblade anime and manga. He is the mysterious alter ego of Ryo Hagane, who watched over Gingka's gang. Even so Phoenix is a powerful Beyblader who turns his enemies into ashes with his Burn Fireblaze 135 MS.


Phoenix is always dressed in a red pickle coat, reaching down to his knees. He also constantly wore a mask and wig to hide his identity from stalkers. He wears a black brown shirt and long pants for the time being and carries Burn Phoenix in his belt.In the manga,he wears a purple hat and a black robe with a golden drawing of a phoenix. However, from episode 49 onwards in the anime, he changes his appearance back to Ryusei Hagane, since his identity was revealed in episode 48. In Metal Fight Beyblade Explosion, he is often seen without his headband and wears a suit, first seen in the opening theme with Hikaru. He is the tallest character in the show, even among the adults as he towers over Benkei Hanawa.


Phoenix is really Ginga's father as said in episode 48 when his mask is shattered by a crystal falling from the roof after the battle with Doji.


Ryusei Hagane was almost killed in an explosion caused by Ryuga, he was then saved by Hokuto. Soon after he was fully healed, he became Phoenix to watch over his son, Gingka. But soon his mask was shattered and he was revealed to be Gingka's father, Ryusei.


Beyblade Metal Fusion[]

In actuality, he is Ryo Hagane, Gingka's father. He did not die from Ryuga's attack back in Koma Village. After getting healed by Hokuto he found Burn Phoenix amongst the many rocks that were trapping him. He used it to free himself and he chose to come back as Phoenix in order to watch Gingka Hagane from the shadows. Phoenix soon appears out of nowhere to Gingka thoroughly as he watched the battle royal between Gingka, Kyoya Tategami, Yu Tendo Kenta Yumiya Tsubasa Otori and Hyoma. He seemed Impressed when Gingka used Storm Bringer to coutner Earth Eagle 145 WD and Flame Libra T125 ES's attacks. However he became disapoited when Gingka lost by using up so much power which allowed Kyoya and Rock Leone 145 WB to win. He then leaves after Kyoya earns the points for winning. He later appears conforting Tetsuya Watarigani and giving Gingka the pointer the crab blader stole lecuring Tetsuya saying that cowards to not deserve beypoints. Gingka asks for the pointer only for Phoenix to tell him that he cant give the pointer to someone who doesnt take proper care of it. Gingka tells Pehonix that he fought so hard in the battle royal only for Phoenix to challege Gingka to battle saying that he should show off his power to his Fireblaze. Gingka says that if he defeats him he has to return his pointer, Phoenix accepts and says that his bey Burn Fireblaze will be Gingka's opponent.

Gingka and Phoenix begin as Storm Pegasus 105 RF and Firebaze's powers seem even. Gingka and Madoka are shocked at the site, that Fireblaze's tip is creating sparks. Madoka uses her laptop to see that his performance tip is made of metal allowing it to have a lot of resistance friction allowing it to have a lot of power but Gingka tries to defeat him quickly by using his special move Starblast Attack.

Fireblaze is repelled and is falling down to defeat until it begins bouncing off the structure landing it back where it was, Phoenix commands Fireblaze to create its fire stating that it melts everything and is correct as the that part of the metal beam is melting. Gingka is shocked to see that Fireblaze is cutting the metal structure with pure force and notices that he needs to come up with a strategy to defeat it.

Phoenix asks Gingka why he beyblades and says someone who does not fight for purpose should not be able to fight surprising Gingka. Gingka then counters Fireblaze's fire with his new special move Storm Bringer which repels Fireblaze into the sky, but Phoenix commands Fireblaze to use its special move Burning Fire Strike which sends Pegasus crashing into the ground and Defeat.

Phoenix states that his is weakness causes his defeat and crushes Gingkas beypointer in front of him stating that "defeat means losing everything and that his will is weakening" making Gingka accept the fact that he is right. Gingka then realizes that he will start back from scratch and work his way up and will not stop until he wins Battle Bladers and that the next time he loses will be the day he quits beyblading. Phoenix states that is the will power Gingka needs to succeed and flys off. He later appears to save Tsubasa Otori who was in the middle of a batttle with Ryuga and Lightning L-Drago 100 HF. When Doji demands to know who he is Phonix says he will take over the battle and takes Tsubasa with him flying away into the night much to Ryuga's anger. Omce they escape to the woods Tsubasa demands to know who Phenix really is and why did he even save him. Pehonxi then lets Tsubasa know that he is really with the WBBA much to the eagle bladers shock. He then tells Phoenix his mission from the WBBA, and Phoneix tells him to get to know Gingka's gang. He watches Tsubassa on top of a roof and hopes that he can understand his message. After Tsubasa beats Hikaru Hasama, Benkei Hyoma and Kenta he asks Gingka why friends make him strong causing Phoenix to refeal himself and challenge Gingka to a battle. Tsubasa says he will show Tsubasa what he meant and attacks Pheonix's beyblade. Everyone is surprised by Phoenix's strength as he defeats Tsubasa with ease. Gingka says that he never backs down from any challenge and that he will battle. Madoka tries to convince Gingka not to battle since he is dangerous and what happens if the outcome results the same as it did during their first meeting, revealing Gingka that is the whole point.

Gingka squares off for his rematch against Phoenix and starts with a powerful attack with equal strength as Fireblaze. Gingka's friends say to Gingka to use his special move Storm Bringer to put out Fireblaze's flame and win the battle quickly. Gingka says that was the whole point stunning Phoenix. Gingka commands his Special Move but fails as Phoenix commands Fireblaze to stop it repelling Pegasus and shocking Gingka, but before he realizes it Gingka's Pegasus is hammered with a wall attack by Fireblaze.

Phoenix states that Gingka cannot lose because at their last meeting Gingka stated that he will not lose and the next time he does will be the day he quits beyblade shocking Gingka. Phoenix says men don't go back on their words, Gingka agrees and commands Pegasus to attack but misses and ends up being trapped. Phoenix states that this is the for Gingka and commands his special move Burning Fire Strike.

Gingka is then told by his friends that he promised to meet them at battle Bladers. Everyone is shocked at the site that Gingka says that the battle is not over and will not lose. Gingka states that he made a solemn promise that he will make it to battle Bladers. Gingka is then surprised at the site that Kyoya has arrived and said that he will be the only one to defeat Gingka which encourages Gingka to raise his spirit and say that he will win.

Gingka uses his true strength and uses a move similar to Kyoya's Lion Gale Force Wall to extinguish Fireblaze's flame which surprises Phoenix as his attacks are being evaded. Madoka notices that all of Gingka's tactics are similar the ones his friends use repelling Fireblaze.

Tsubasa then realizes that he has picked up his friends moves and improved his own strength. Gingka then commands a special move Starblast Attack which misses its target of Fireblaze due to it only being a move that works with a target on the floor. Everyone is then surprised at Gingka stating that that was his whole plan and commands Pegasus to use its true special move Storm Bringer to attack a vulnerable Fireblaze and earning Gingka victory over Phoenix surprising everyone and earns respect from Phoenix as proof that he has defeated him by giving Gingka 48,000 Beypoints making Gingka's total 95,000 allowing him to qualify for Battle Bladers much to his friends joy. Phenix tells Gingka to keep on winning and disapears.

Phoenix later appears during the Battle Bladers tournament to save Kenta and Hyoma from giving their engery to Ryuga and confronts Doji. Doji gets supsired than Pheonix even survied causing him to tell Doji that the Phoenix will always rise from the ashes. Doji challenges Phenoix to a batttle which the masked Blader expects. Fireblaze stands its ground aganst Dark Wolf DF145 FS and gives it trouble. He even survives Darkness Howling Blazer. Doji then remarks that he shall have Phoenix give his power so that the Dark Nebula can rule the world. Phonix remarks that the future is something that shines brightly. Strategically, Doji doesn't show his true power until Phoenix proves that he will require it. He sends both Phoenix and his beast under a black hole of darkness. When he almost had them finished, Phoenix reappears out of the hole, sends Burning Fire Strike straight for Flame Sagittario C145 S chip wedged in the Dark wheel and cracks Wolf's facebolt in the center. This sends Doji across the room and the impact sends the crystal chandelier on him. This also causes the chandlier to attacks his mask thus revaling to Gingka who had just beat Reiji Mizuchi that he his really Ryo.

Beyblade Metal Masters[]

Phoenix makes a short appearance in Metal Masters when Team Wang Hu Zhong were battling Kenta, Masamune and Gingka to be a member of Team Gan Gan Galaxy after Damian Hart injures Tsubasa and Yu. Phoenix interrupts the battle with his Burn Fireblaze and easily wins expressing his desire to be the replacement member of GanGan Galaxy, but his wish was crushed when Hikaru Hasama reads out one of the rules stating that an adult who is related to WBBA can't become a replacement blader.


Beyblade: Metal Fusion
Opponent Episode Result
Stolen Beypointer MF033 Win
Gingka Hagane MF033 Win
Tsubasa Otori MF039 Win
Gingka Hagane MF039 Lose
Doji MF047 Win
Beyblade: Metal Masters
Opponent Episode Result
Team Wang Hu Zhong, Gingka Hagane, Masamune Kadoya and Kenta Yumiya MM040 Win
  • Note: Although Phoenix is really Ryo in disguise, his loss to Ryuga in the episode 14 flashback does not count because he was not Phoenix at the time.


Burn Fireblaze 135MS: (Burn Phoenix 135MS in the Japanese version) is Phoenix's Beyblade in both the anime and manga.

Beast/Finishing Moves[]

Phoenix Bird

Phoenix Bird


Debut (Anime)

Episode 33

Appears in

Anime, Manga, Video Games

Phoenix Bird (不死鳥, fushichou): is the beast inside Phoenix's Beyblade.

Finishing Moves[]

Burning Explosion: Phoenix's first finishing move is Burning Explosion (バーニングエクスプロージョン, Baaningu Ekusupuroojon) Phoenix first used this attack in Episode 33 (anime) & Burning Tornado


Quote by Ryusei before he was Phoenix: "The blader's spirit!"

Burn Phoenix!


Anime Appearances[]

Beyblade Metal Fusion[]


  • Even though Phoenix is Ryusei, he has lost to Ryuga
    • Much like Hiro, his Bey, Burn Fireblaze, has metal in it (Fusion Wheel - Burn) while Metal Driger also has metal in it (Spin Gear - Heavy Metal Core).
  • Phoenix resembles Spectra Phantom from the Bakugan series.
  • Much like Nile he only lost one battle.
  • Phoenix has a habit of appearing out of noware and beating a powerful blader that had beaten Gingka's friends in a earlier episode. For example he beats Tsubassa in episode 39 who had beaten Kenta Benkei Hyoma and Hikaru in episode 38 and he beats Doji in episode 47 who had beaten Kenta and Hyoma in episode 46.


