Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Metal Fight Beyblade Wiki
Remember, Gingka, the thing that determines who wins a bey battle in the end is the bladers' spirit.


Ryo Hagane

Ryo Hagane

鋼 流星Hagane Ryūsei








Beyblader, WBBA director (Metal masters, Metal Fury)

  • Unknown (Father)
  • Unknown (Mother)
  • Ginga Hagane (Son)

Debut (Manga)

Volume 1, Chapter 4

Debut (Anime)

Episode 14

Appears in

Anime, Manga

Seiyū (Japanese)

Shou Hayami

Ryo Hagane, known as Ryusei Hagane ( , Hagane Ryūsei) in Japan, is a character appearing in the Metal Saga As his alter-ego Phoenix (フェニックス, Fenikkusu), he fights with his Beyblade Burn Fireblaze 135 MS. He is the father of the series' protagonist Gingka Hagane.

As Phoenix (フェニックス, Fenikkusu) he watched over Gingka and his friends.


Ryo is a tall, muscular, red-haired man who wears a white scarf and a blue headband with Pegasus symbol on it. Unlike Gingka the Pegasus symbol has two wings while Gingka has one. He looks like an older and muscular version of Gingka, which is where the family resembelance comes in strongest. He also has a bit of facial hair on his chin.

As Phoenix, he is dressed in a red coat, reaching down to his knees. He also constantly wore a metal mask and wig that appear to symbolize a phoenix, to hide his identity. He wears a black/brown shirt and long pants for the time being and carries Burn Fireblaze on his belt.

He is the very tall, the tallest character in the show in fact. He is tall even among the adults and he towers over Benkei Hanawa.


Ryo has a cheerful and laid back attitude. He often acts casually purposefully- an example being when he tells his assistant Hikaru Hasama to call him "immortal phoenix".he loves imitating heroes and like his son he also has an unusual love for bey blade.

Though he is an adult, Ryo often acts like a teen-aged boy. At times, he comes across as even more childish than his son. It seems as thought his love and passion for beyblade is more important to him than most domestic or "adult" matters.


Ryusei, the father of Gingka, is the first holder of Storm Pegasus.

Synopsis (Beyblade Metal Fusion)[]

When Ryo Hagane is in the disguise of Phoenix, he meets Gingka Hagane, his son, whose Beypointer he crushes to remind him what being a Beyblader is about. He saves Tsubasa from Ryuga and talks with him, becoming his ally. After that, Gingka defeats Phoenix with his special move Storm Bringer. Once Gingka does this and remembers his true purpose as a blader, Phoenix returns Gingka's points from the Beypointer he destroyed. Late in the anime, Phoenix is revealed as Gingka's father when he saved Hyoma and Kenta from chandelier shards and one of the shards chipped off his mask. In the finale, he witnesses Gingka beating Ryuga and freeing Ryuga of L-Drago's dark possession.

Beyblade Metal Masters[]

In Metal Masters, it is revealed that Ryo now works as the Director of WBBA in Japan with Hikaru Hasama as his assistant.

Phoenix makes a short appearance in Metal Masters when Team Wang Hu Zhong were battling members of Team Gan Gan Galaxy to be a member. Phoenix interrupts the battle with his Burn Fireblaze and easily wins expressing his desire to be the replacement member of GanGan Galaxy, but his wish was crushed when Hikaru reads out one of the rules stating that an adult who is related to WBBA can't become a replacement blader.

Beyblade Metal Fury[]

In Metal Fury, Ryo is still the Director of the WBBA. He also has extensive knowledge of the Star Fragments, briefly explaining to everyone what they are and what their purpose is. He is seen at the end of the series at a WBBA stadium, where everyone is about to watch the final Bey Battle of the series: Gingka vs Kyoya.

Shogun Steel[]

He is seen with Hikaru Hasama and Kenta at the end of Shogun Steel watching Zero Kurogane's group and Bridge to the Future battle it out to see who will represent japan.


[[Pegasus 105F]: is Ryūsei's first Beyblade. He gave it to his son,Gingka Hagane. (Manga)

Storm Pegasus 105 RF: In the anime during when Gingka tells Kenta the story of his father, Ryūsei has Storm Pegasus instead of Pegasus 105F.

Burn Fireblaze 135 MS: Ryūsei disguises as the legendary blader "Phoenix", so as not to shock Gingka.

  • Storm Leone 125SF: A generic Bey that Ryo used before he got Burn Fireblaze 135MS.

Beast/Finishing Moves[]




Debut (Manga)

Volume 1, Chapter 1

Debut (Anime)

Episode 1

Appears in

Anime and Manga

Pegasus (天馬, Tenba): is the beast inside the Pegasus 105F, Storm Pegasus beyblade. It appears as a blue-ish white horse with wings, and has a horse whinny accompany its appearance.


Beyblade: Metal Fusion
Opponent Episode Result
Unknown Bladers Offscreen Win
Wild Bear MF014 Win (flashback)
Gingka Hagane MF014 Win (flashback)
Koma Village Temple MF014 Win (flashback)
Doji MF014 Win (flashback)
Ryuga MF014 Lose (flashback)
Stolen Beypointer MF033 Win (as Phoenix)
Gingka Hagane MF033 Win (as Phoenix)
Tsubasa Otori MF039 Win (as Phoenix)
Gingka Hagane MF039 Lose (as Phoenix)
Doji MF047 Win (as Phoenix)
Beyblade: Metal Masters
Opponent Episode Result
Team Wang Hu Zhong, Gingka Hagane, Masamune Kadoya, and Kenta Yumiya MM040 Win (as Phoenix)


  • "Please, call me The Immortal Phoenix instead."
  • "Remember Gingka, the thing that decides a Bey Battle in the end is the Blader Spirit...THE BLADER SPIRIT!" (Ryo's "last" words to Gingka before huge boulders fall on him from the impact of Lightning L-Drago 100 HF's power.)
  • It's the Blader's Spirit that is strong!

Anime Appearances[]

Beyblade Metal Fusion[]


  • Ryūsei means 'Meteor' in Japanese which complements Gingka's name, meaning 'Galaxy'.
  • It is believed that he is dead due to his fight with Ryuga because of rocks that fell upon him but was saved by a beyblade called Burn Phoenix and pulled out of the volcano by Hokuto.
  • Ryo's bandanna symbol is the head of Pegasus with two wings, while Gingka Hagane is the head of Pegasus with one wing. But Gingka later gets a bandanna with four wings in Metal Fury.
  • Ryo is the first person to own two different Beys: Storm Pegasus and Burn Fireblaze. The second is Benkei.
  • Ryo is seen to be powerful as he defeats Doji in Epsiode 47: Bonds of Steel and also defeats Team Wang Hu Zhong, Kenta, Masamune and Gingka even with their special moves activated in a single strike (although it can be considered that he joined the battle late and also came by surprise).
  • He never battles in Metal Fury.
  • In Metal Masters, he wants Hikaru to call him: "The Immortal Phoenix" and is much more comical in that show compairec to Metal Fusion.
  • In Metal Masters he tries to become a sub member for the Japanese team after they lose Tsubasa and Yu but couldn't after learning that adults nor people involved with the Tournament cannot become a sub.
  • In the Metal Fury episode "The Silver Pegasus", Hokuto refers to him as "a legendary blader". This may be or not be incorrect according to calculations because the Legend Bladers are Bladers whose Beys got hit with a piece from The Star Fragment. However, Storm Pegasus was a Bey that had a piece of the Star Fragment, and Storm Pegasus was once owned by Ryo.
  • He is the first Phoenix-themed blader in Metal Saga, the second being Ren Kurenai.
  • In the manga, Ryo gives Samurai Ifrit W145CF to Zero Kurogane. But in the anime, it's his son, Gingka Hagane who gave this Bey to Zyro.
  • This is very similar to when Hiro Granger disguised himself as Jin of The Gale in order to test Tyson.
    • Much like Hiro, his Bey, Burn Fireblaze, has metal in it (Fusion Wheel - Burn) while Metal Driger also has metal in it (Spin Gear - Heavy Metal Core).
    • Ryo's win rate is pretty high, considering he's an adult. In fact he only lost twice to Ryuga and Gingka.

